Sep 21, 2020 Siladitya Ray
Julie 요약 한글 번역 [틱톡글로벌 인수전]
토요일 오라클과 월마트는 IPO 전 자금조달의 일환으로 틱톡 글로벌 지분 20%를 인수하기로 합의했다고 발표했다. 도널드 트럼프 대통령은 오라클, 월마트의 인수 합의로 미국 정부에 50억 달러의 수수료를 지불할 것이라고 주장했다.
"틱톡글로벌이 설립되면 오라클/월마트는 투자를 하고 틱톡글로벌 주식은 미국인이 대부분인 주주에게 분배된다. 바이트댄스는 틱톡글로벌에 소유권이 없다."라고 오라클 EVP 켄 글루크가 말했다.
그러나 베이징 기반, 틱톡의 모기업인 바이트댄스는 트럼프 대통령의 50억 달러 수치는 단순히 신설법인 세금의 추정치일 뿐이며 거래가 완료된 후에도 틱톡글로벌의 80%는 바이트댄스의 지배하에 남아 있을 것이라고 주장했다.
그들의 합의는 좀 더 명확히 할 필요가 있다. 또한, 그들의 거래는 여전히 미국과 중국의 승인이 필요하다.
Julie 기사 요약
On Saturday, Oracle and Walmart announced that they had agreed to acquire a 20% stake in TikTok’s global business as part of a pre-IPO financing round and President Donald Trump claimed that they will pay a $5 billion fee to the U.S. government as part of a deal with Oracle and Walmart.
“Upon creation of TikTok Global, Oracle/Walmart will make their investment and the TikTok Global shares will be distributed to their owners, Americans will be the majority and ByteDance will have no ownership in TikTok Global.” Oracle EVP Ken Glueck said.
However, TikTok’s Beijing-based parent, ByteDance, has argued that Trump’s $5 billion figure was simply an estimate of the amount of taxes the new company and asserted that even after the deal is completed 80% of TikTok global would remain under the control of ByteDance.
Their agreement needs to be more clarified. Also, their deal still requires approval from U.S. and China.
Jinny 요약
TikTok’s Beijing-based parent, ByteDance, has contested President Donald Trump’s claim that the company will pay a $5 billion fee to the U.S. government as part of a deal with Oracle and Walmart. ByteDance argued that Trump’s $5 billion figure was simply an estimate of the amount of taxes the new company, TikTok Global, would pay over several years.
On Saturday, Oracle and Walmart announced that they had agreed to acquire a 20% stake in TikTok’s global business as part of a pre-IPO financing round and Trump told the press that he had given his “blessing” to the deal.
In a blog post on Chinese platform Toutiao Bytedance tried to play down speculation that it was giving up control of TikTok while Oracle and Walmart will take up a 20% stake.
In a statement to Forbes Oracle seemed to counter ByteDance claim of retaining 80% control of TikTok. Upon creation of TikTok Global, TikTok Global shares will be distributed to their owners, Americans will be the majority and ByteDance will have no ownership in TikTok Global,” Oracle EVP Ken Glueck.