Sep 15, 2020, David Vetter
Julie 요약 한글번역 [코로나바이러스를 통해 배운 점]
글로벌 코로나바이러스 사태가 발생한 지 7개월 동안 우리가 일하는 방식에 큰 변화가 생겼다. 사람들은 재택근무를 시도했고, 재택근무가 특정 직업군에서는 사무실에서 근무하는것보다 더 생산적일 수 있다는 것을 깨달았다.
새로운 근무 방식인 '재택근무'는 일상생활에서 에너지 소비와 공간 사용 패턴이 달라질 수 있음을 보여주었고, 정책 입안자들은 이러한 변화를 직원과 고용주 모두에게 혜택을 주는 방향으로 고려해야 한다.
코로나바이러스 봉쇄의 교훈은 일터를 버려야 한다는 것이 아니라 유연성을 받아들여야 한다는 것이다. 락다운으로 인해 선택지가 넓어질 수 있음을 배웠다. 불가능하다고 여겨졌던 것들이 갑자기 가능해졌고 생각보다 꽤 잘 작동했기 때문이다.
Julie 요약
Seven months into the global coronavirus crisis, there has been huge changes to the way we work. People learned a new way of working from home and realized working from home could be more productive than office work in certain jobs.
New life style 'WFH' showed different patterns of energy consuming and use of space in daily life which policymakers should consider to give benefits both of employees & employers.
The lesson of the coronavirus lockdown is not that we need to ditch the workplace, but that we should embrace flexibility. Lockdown widened the options: things that were deemed impossible have suddendy become possible and have worked pretty well.
Jinny 요약
Seven months into the global coronavirus crisis, In the U.K., almost half the working population has done at least some work from home during lockdown,
In a systematic review of studies on working from home, researchers found that remote working resulted in reduced energy use in 67% of cases compared with working from the office. And it’s not just the environment that would benefit
Grünewald, deputy director of energy research at the University of Oxford believes the lesson of the coronavirus lockdown is not that we need to ditch the workplace, but that we should embrace flexibility.
The lesson of lockdown could be that greater flexibility—on the part of employees, employers and especially policymakers—can benefit everyone.