July 29, 2020 by David Phelan
Jinny 요약
Google’s magnificent menagerie of 3D animals which you can see has just grown bigger with new additions. They’re all insects.
The animations are incredibly detailed and rich, so they look convincing from every angle.
On Android devices, once you have commanded the animal to appear, you really can’t miss it – it’s pretty big. But there’s a button marked View actual size. Android users can also listen to the noises the creatures make.
Julie 요약
Google’s magnificent menagerie of 3D animals, life-size and with dazzling realism, has just grown bigger and more various.
The animals can be added to your living room though the magic that is Augmented Reality. AR is where the image your phone’s camera sees is overlaid with stuff from the internet.
There are newcomers, full list of insects in the world of 3D critters. Google made them incredibly detaild and rich from every angle. Android users can adjust actual size and listen to the noises that creature make vividly.
Julie 요약 번역 with the help of 구글 번역
실물 크기에 눈부신 사실감을 지닌 Google의 멋진 3D 동물원이 점점 더 커지고 다양해졌습니다.
증강 현실이라는 마법을 통해 동물들이 거실에 나타날 수 있습니다. 증강 현실은 휴대전화 카메라가 보는 이미지가 인터넷의 내용과 겹쳐지게 합니다.
3D 동물의 세계에 새로이 곤충의 전체 목록이 추가되었습니다. Google은 모든 각도에서 볼 때 놀라울 정도로 곤충들을 상세하고 풍부하게 만들었습니다. Android 사용자는 실제 크기를 조정할 수 있고 생물이 내는 소음을 생생하게 들을 수 있습니다.