Jinny 요약
Since rare-earth elements have essential uses in a range of civil and military technologies, China’s control of supply is a powerful commercial and diplomatic bargaining chip.
The threat toward U.S. arms maker Lockheed Martin last month to cut-off supplies of the elements has sparked a reaction which involves the U.S. Government and several allies in pushing ahead with plans to develop non-Chinese supplies of rare earths.
In effect, three countries, which are U.S., Australlia and Malaysia have moved in near-unison to accelerate the development of a non-Chinese supply of rare earths.
Investors are starting to recognise that this latest dispute between China and the international community might be the key to breaking the decades-long dominance of a strategically important industry.
Julie 요약
China has used rare earths strategically as a diplomatic and commercial bargaining chip because rare earths are very essential resources for the civil and military industry.
China is using threats of a rare earth embargo on U.S. arms maker Lockheed Martin this time. It has sparked a reaction among the U.S. Government and several allies to push through plans to develop non-Chinese supplies of rare earths.
In effect, Australia, Malaysia and the U.S. have moved in near-unison to accelerate the development of a non-Chinese supply of rare earths in the days after Chinese targeted Lockheed Martin.
Australia is one of the world’s richest deposits of rare earths. Malaysia is the home of first stage processing of the mildly radioactive ore which is why a permanent waste disposal site is important, and the U.S. will be the site of a separation plant to convert a cocktail of rare earth elements into a usable form.
There has been a significant reaction by investors who have boosted the share prices of companies in production or planning to develop rare earth.
Julie 요약 by 구글 번역
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중국은 이번에 미국 무기 제조사 록히드 마틴에 희토류 금수 조치를 취했습니다. 그것은 미국 정부와 몇몇 동맹국들 사이에서 중국 이외의 희토류 공급 계획을 추진하기 위한 반응을 촉진시켰습니다.
실제로 호주, 말레이시아 및 미국은 중국이 록히드 마틴을 표적으로 삼은 후 중국 이외의 희토류 공급을 가속화하기 위해 거의 일률적으로 움직였습니다.
호주는 세계에서 가장 풍부한 희토류 매장지 중 하나입니다. 말레이시아는 약 방사성 광석의 1 단계 처리의 본거지이기 때문에 영구 폐기물 처리장이 중요한 이유이며, 미국은 희토류 원소의 칵테일을 사용 가능한 형태로 전환하는 분리 공장이 될 것입니다. 관련 생산 업체의 주가가 올랐거나 희토류 개발을 계획 중인 투자자들의 큰 반응이 있었습니다.