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21. 임베디드 금융/ Uber’s Departure From Financial Services: A Speed Bump On The Path To Embedded Finance

by Just J.S. 2020. 8. 7.


SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA: A worker cleans a sign in front of the Uber headquarters. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)  GETTY IMAGES

Jinny 요약

The definition of embedded finance is “The integration of financial services into non-financial websites, mobile applications, and business processes.” according to Lightyear Capital, a New York-based private equity firm.

The Lightyear report estimates that embedded finance will grow to nearly $230 billion (in revenue) by 2025, up from $22.5 billion this year. At a five times revenue multiple, embedded finance will create more than $1 trillion of value by 2025. Assuming faster growth in the second half of the decade, the estimate is in-line with Bain Capital Venture’s estimate of $3.6 trillion by 2030.

Three consumer trends are driving the growth of embedded finance:
1) Changing buying behaviors.
2) Openness to non-traditional financial providers.
3) Willingness to share personal data.

What’s important about embedded finance is that the digitalization of banking has enabled banking to be integrated into other industries.

Julie 요약

New market analysis from Lightyear Capital, defines embedded finance as: “The integration of financial services into non-financial websites, mobile applications, and business processes.” The Lightyear report estimates that embedded finance will grow to nearly $230 billion (in revenue) by 2025.

Three consumer trends are driving the growth of embedded finance: 1) Changing buying behaviors. 2) Openness to non-traditional financial providers. 3) Willingness to share personal data. 

Two recent announcements demonstrate that embedded finance is gaining ground: 1) Shopify announces Affirm as its BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) partner. 2) Quickbooks launches a bank account.

What’s important about embedded finance is that the digitization of banking has enabled banking to be integrated into other industries. It’s the “embedding” of banking software into a non-banking company’s operations.

Julie 요약 by 구글 번역

Lightyear Capital의 새로운 시장분석은 임베디드 금융을 "비금융 웹 사이트, 모바일 애플리케이션 및 비즈니스 프로세스에 금융 서비스 통합"으로 정의합니다. Lightyear 보고서는 임베디드 금융이 2025 년까지 거의 2,300억 달러(수익)로 성장할 것으로 예상합니다.

세 가지 소비자 트렌드가 임베디드 금융의 성장을 주도하고 있습니다. 1) 구매 행동 변화. 2) 비 전통적인 금융 제공 업체에 대한 개방성. 3) 개인 데이터를 공유하려는 의지. 

최근 두 가지 발표는 임베디드 금융이 기반을 마련하고 있음을 보여줍니다. 1) Shopify가 BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) 파트너로 Affirm을 발표했습니다. 2) Quickbooks는 은행 계좌를 시작합니다.

임베디드 금융의 중요한 점은 은행의 디지털화로 인해 은행이 다른 산업에 통합될 수 있다는 것입니다. 비은행 회사의 운영에 은행 소프트웨어를 "내장"하는 것입니다.


